Wednesday, May 6, 2020

All Quiet on the Western Front Essay Pauls Facade

Pauls Facade in All Quiet on the Western Front nbsp; In Erich Maria Remarques novel All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul Baumer paints a vivid picture of the horrors of war. Many of these horrors are purely physical, such as the constant bombardments and gunshots whizzing overhead. But along with these physical horrors come mental and emotional ones. Chief among these is the war mindset that the soldier must acquire in order to survive war. The essence of this mindset is the total disregard for human life, and with it, human beliefs and customs. War requires a suspension of these standard human beliefs and customs. Paul outwardly appears to have acquired this war mindset, but he does not internalize it and thus eventually dies.†¦show more content†¦At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the worlds condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim. But who can draw such a distinction when he looks at these quiet men wi th childlike faces and apostles beards. (193-194) nbsp; In war, fraternization with the enemy is forbidden. This is because once a soldier gets to know the enemy a little bit, they will realize that there is really nothing to fight about. Paul captures here both the arbitrariness and inhumanity of war. Since the people actually fighting have no reason to fight, war is arbitrary. Since it breaks the common moral laws of humankind, it is inhumane. The rulers in any war want their soldiers to believe that their cause is the only just, right cause, that the enemy is inferior or not even human, and that it is not only a right but a duty to kill them. For example, look at American propaganda against the Japanese during World War II. By breaking this mold, Paul is forced to realize that the endeavor of war is simply a monument to futility. nbsp; Pauls ability to recognize this most important truth of War is what kills him. He realizes what he has

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